All songs (except "Du var nog en vän") in one playlist! Christmas came a little bit late this year ;)
lördag 29 december 2012
Bland legendarer
Årets budkavlelöpare i IF Femman
1997 Kim Fagerudd
1998 Thomas Hjerpe
1999 Kim Fagerudd
2000 Ilkka Leppävuori
2001 Petri Saari
2002 Kim Fagerudd
2003 Yvonne Häggblom
2004 Kim Holm
2005 Robin Bäckström
2006 Pernilla Tunis
2007 Pernilla Tunis
2008 Staffan Tunis
2009 Victor Lövdal
2010 Jens Jern
2011 Otto Sund
2012 Andreas Hall
Legendarer av olika slag. Kim Holm måste nog räknas som en svart häst i det här sammanhanget och här saknas Mats Haldin (se tidigare inlägg på samma tema).
1997 Kim Fagerudd
1998 Thomas Hjerpe
1999 Kim Fagerudd
2000 Ilkka Leppävuori
2001 Petri Saari
2002 Kim Fagerudd
2003 Yvonne Häggblom
2004 Kim Holm
2005 Robin Bäckström
2006 Pernilla Tunis
2007 Pernilla Tunis
2008 Staffan Tunis
2009 Victor Lövdal
2010 Jens Jern
2011 Otto Sund
2012 Andreas Hall
Legendarer av olika slag. Kim Holm måste nog räknas som en svart häst i det här sammanhanget och här saknas Mats Haldin (se tidigare inlägg på samma tema).
tisdag 25 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown Bonus #1
Brillmaster´s 2012 Statement
2012 was the year when the Brilmaster discovered the best song in the world. The best that has ever been written and the best that ever will be written. The Brillmaster has previously also thought that he has found the best song ever made but later he has realized that he´s been wrong. But this year is extra special, this really is the best song ever made.
Stop making sense!
This Must be The Place - Talking Heads
måndag 24 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #1
#1 Kindness - Swinging Party
Brillmaster´s note: So this is it, what you all been wainting for the last 24 days! Brillmasters pick for the #1 spot is Kindness. It wasn´t an easy choice but in the end the only true competitor was Beach House. For me, listening to swinging party takes me to another universum! It´s such an fantastic atmosphere surrounding the song, you get drawn into it whether you like it or not. The Brillmaster loves it more than anything else in 2012! Without ANY doubt, the best song of 2012!
söndag 23 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #2
#2 Beach House - Myth
Brillmaster´s note: The Brillmaster almost pooped his pants the first time he listened to Myth. It was everything he had hoped for and far more. Continuing on the same sound they had on teen dream Beach House really managed to take everything one step further. The Brillmaster was paralyzed! It took him about 2 months before he realized how good the rest of the album was. Seeing them live at Berns was amazing and Myth was fantastic. Without any doubt worthy a top-2 spot
lördag 22 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #3
#3 Haim - Go Slow
Brillmaster´s note: Brillmastradamus expects that 2013 will be all about
Haim. Three sisters from LA making the most beautiful pop music. It
seems that "forever" is on many top lists of 2012 but for the
Brillmaster everything was about Go Slow. I love the slow
tempo of the song, the sweet singing and the groove that surrounds the
hole song. As Puttemans noted earlier this autumn you should listen to
this song with a good speakersystem! Without any doubt worthy of a top-3
spot!fredag 21 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #4
#4 Vasas Flora och Fauna - Nog Var Han en Vän
Brillmaster´s note: The official soundtrack for Vasa! My gods my gods, the Brillmasters can´t find any words for his feelings. Yeah, now i´ve been trying to write something for 10 minutes but still it´s empty in my head. Lets just say, it´s the 4:th best track of this year. Without any doubt!
torsdag 20 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown Extra #1
Extra #1 Lykke Li - Silver Springs
Extra extra. Stop the pressarna!! The Brillmaster has forgot about one song. It deserves a spot around place 15-20. Here it is. That´s all.
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #5
#5 Mando Diao - En sångarsaga
Brillmaster´s note: This years most unexpected album. The former garagerock band Mando Diao decides to go godnattsaga-mode and turns poems by Gustav Fröding to beautiful music. It was almost impossible to choose between en sångarsaga, strövtåg i hembygden, i ungomden and snigelns visa. En sångarsaga did in the end draw the longest straw and won by a horses noselenght. This song really takes the brillmaster to another place, a place where he likes to be.
onsdag 19 december 2012
Julmusik i Radio Helsinki & Evil Stöö
Jag har upptäckt att Radio Helsinki spelar ganska mycket julmusik i dessa tider och dessutom bra julmusik. D.v.s. inget alltför sliskigt eller klichéaktigt. Dessutom sådana riktiga 'pärlor' som KC/MD Mafias Gangstatonttu (med Eevil Stöö, Koksukoo & Pikku Herkko). Låten fick mig att tänka på tidiga Don Johnson Big Band då jag hörde den i bilen igår (och den satt väldigt bra i bilen, passade högtalarna och mörkret och kylan där ute).
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #6
#6 Cats on Fire - My Sense of Pride
Brillmaster´s note: Vasas pride! I have to say Cats on Fire really have with their latest record reached a state where they have found their own sound. If i have a soft spot for Mr Krunegård I also have to admit I have a soft spot for Matias Björkas voice! Really unique I have to say. And he is absoloutely fantastic on stage. Makes me think of an ostrich...
tisdag 18 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #7
#7 Markus Krunegård - Korallreven och Vintergatan
Brillmaster´s note: I have to admit it, the Brillmaster has a soft spot for Markus Krunegård. From Laakso to Hets to his solo career there is, there is, something special with him. Something very special. I prefer the older Markus who made music that were much more raw and energetic but the new one isn´t bad either. With Korallreven och Vintergatan he has written one of his best songs ever! As always, fantastic lyrics! "Mänsklig värme snälla kom närmre".
måndag 17 december 2012
För offren i Newtown
Idag var andra gången jag tänkte börja gråta då jag läste om massakern i Newtown. Skyddsmuren håller inte.
Tentläsning & visuella illusioner
Här är en kul optisk illusion kallad 'the waterfall effect'. Då man drabbas av fartblindhet då man kör beror det på samma fenomen som den här illusionen.
Den här är ännu roligare och grundar sig också på samma fenomen. Michael Bachs hemsida är full av visuella illusioner.
Jag läser alltså även idag till tenten i kursen Perception.
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #8
#8 Franck Ocean - Pyramids
Brillmaster´s note: This year has all been about Frank Ocean. I guess he´s on almost every list for the best musical acts of 2012. And he deserves that spot, a great album peaking with "pyramids". The Brillmaster somehow likes long songs and pyramid is good for almost 10 minutes! Just listen and enjoy!
söndag 16 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #9
#9 Japandroids - The House that Heaven Built
Brillmaster´s note: For the Brillmaster this tune is all about Energy. In fact, the Brillmaster goes totally insane when listening to Japandroids. Simple rock with lots of "Ouh, Ouh, Ouh" that really works! Japandroids - gives you wings!
lördag 15 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #10
#10 Anna von Hausswolff - Mountains Crave
Brillmaster´s note: When her album came out this summer the Brillmaster was totally blown away. I mean Totally! I was ready to declare the album as one of the best ever made! I still today think it´s a masterpiece, although I noticed I have to be in a special mood to enjoy it. What I like the most is the organs. Man I love organs! And on Mountains crave there are som big fuc*n organs! Listen also to "Deathbed" on her album and get ready for the apocalypse!
fredag 14 december 2012
"Precis som tornseglaren ska jag vara bland dom snabbaste."
Tynne och Puttemans har något gemensamt, en önskan om fulländning:
"Jag önskar att löpa för mig var lika enkelt som att flyga för fåglarna.
Korta stunder känns det så. Som om man flyger. Men tyvärr allt för sällan.
Någon gång ska det vara som om löpning var en lika basal kroppsfunktion som att hjärtat slår.
Lika naturligt som att andas.
Precis som fåglarnas vingar är aerodynamiskt perfekta ska mina ben röra sig löpekonomiskt fulländat och precis som tornseglaren ska jag vara bland dom snabbaste.
Folk ska se mig löpa och tänka: den killen flyger fram.
Någon gång ska löpning för mig vara lika enkelt som att flyga för fåglarna."
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #11
#11 Tame Impala - Elephant
Brillmaster´s note: Elephant isn´t inventing something new in music. Perhaps its more reinventing the 1970:s. But there´s no need for inventing new things when Elephant is such a piece of perfection as it is. Riding on a psychedelic feeling the song really gets into you. The best is although Kevin Parkers song, and how he somehow puts a delay on every word. And, by far the second best album cover this year!
Tame Impala - Lonerism (album cover)
This is the cover the Brillmaster is talking about, I happened to add the wrong cover first (the one below). But he admits that the one below is also very beautiful.
Tame Impala - Elephant (single cover)
torsdag 13 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #12
#12 Burning Hearts - Into the Wilderness
Brillmaster´s note: I was first quite sceptic towards Burning Hearts. My companion, Puttemans, bought their record and recommended their music to me. Usually when Puttemans recommends something to me I tend to get hostile towards whatever it is. But not with Burning Hearts. And especially not with "into the wilderness". I love the base rytm, i love her voice, i love the lyrics and I LOVE the album cover! By far the best album cover this year, perhaps ever.
Burning Hearts - Extinctions (album cover)
onsdag 12 december 2012
Tentläsning & korttrick
Nästa vecka har jag tent i Havaitseminen (perception) och Advanced course on brain functioning. Kul då föreläsarna länkar till uppiggande videor i föreläsningsmaterialet. (Tyvärr kan jag inte skriva ut vad videon egentligen handlar om för då förstör jag nöjet.)
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #13
#13 Grimes - Genesis
Brillmaster´s note: Already in January this song appeared and it has been playing ever since. It actually was impossible to choose between Genesis and Oblivion but the rules are just one song per artist so this time oblivion was left out. Long live old-school syntar!
tisdag 11 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #14
#14 Niki & the Dove - Tomorrow
Brillmaster´s note: Oh these Swedes. Just simply brilliant!
måndag 10 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #15
#15 The xx- Missing
Brillmaster´s note: The Brillmaster loves minimalism - The xx is all about that. And Missing is my favorite from coexist. I love the way Oliver Slim sings on this track, I love the "whining" guitar and I love how they uses so few instrument and even fits in a 3 second breake in the song. "My heart is beating in a different way"
söndag 9 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #16
#16 The Tallest Man On Earth - 1904
Brillmaster´s note: 2012 was the year that the Brillmaster found Tallest Man On Earth for realz! 1904 isn´t perhaps as good as some songs from previous albums but it made the Brillmaster dream of becoming a singer-songwriter in his next life!
lördag 8 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #17
#17 Hot Chip - Flutes
Brillmaster´s note: Actually, this is the only song I heard from Hot Chips latest album. Byt My Gods it´s superb. The first minute o the song is by far the best first minute this year! But don´t you go and listen to this without a good speaker system, big no no says the Brillmaster. Especially You who sits there with an old Mac!
fredag 7 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #18
#18 It´s a bird! It´s a plane! - Another Tunnel - Another Light
Brillmaster´s note: Almost every band there is would have over-produced this song but the birds & the planes kept cool and let the song slowly reach a crescendo! And the result is just simply brilliant. As a sidenote The Brillmaster also enjoyed many nice parties to this song during spring!
torsdag 6 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #19
#19 First Aid Kit - Emmy Lou
Brillmaster´s note: Totally ridiculous! It shouldn´t be possible to sing like this. Brillmaster melts like an ice cream ball on a hot summer day!
onsdag 5 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #20
#20 Kent - Petroleum
Brillmaster´s note: A frequent element in every förfest this spring. Oh yes, many good memories from those förfestar. And great wine and food also. Brillmaster wants spring again!
tisdag 4 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #21
#21 Wild Nothing - Nocturne
Brillmaster´s note: It took a while before Brillmaster understood that this isn´t just another good indie softpop song. Its actually a very good indie softpop song! Also creds to the albumcover designer.
måndag 3 december 2012
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #22
# 22 Palma Violets - Best of Friends
Brillmaster´s note: This song should probably be a lot higher on the list but since I
discovered it today I just threw it in at "a safe spot". After listening
to it the whole day I would now say it deserves a top-10 spot. But maybe
it´s the general "härriguud dehe e he bästa ja ha hört hypen" thats
spooking around...
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #23
# 23 Death Grips - I´ve Seen Footage
Brillmaster´s note: The Brillmaster went nuts the first time he heard this song. But be careful, you´ll go litherally nuts if you listen to it too often!
The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown #24
# 24 Familjen - Vi va dom
Brillmaster´s note: A superb song by Familjen, although not even close to former classics as "Det snurrar i min skalle". Brillmaster goes partymode!
Puttemans presents: The Brillmaster´s Christmas Countdown
24 days & 24 songs - who will take the first spot?
The first three songs will be published later today.
Disclaimer: The list does not represent Puttemans´opinions.
lördag 1 december 2012
Lika bra som Mats Haldin?
Årets herrsenior i IF Femman
1997 Mats Haldin
1998 Mats Haldin
1999 Mats Haldin
2000 Mats Haldin
2001 Mats Haldin
2002 Petri Saari
2003 Staffan Tunis
2004 Staffan Tunis
2005 Staffan Tunis
2006 Robin Bäckström
2007 Robin Bäckström
2008 Andreas Hall
2009 Andreas Hall
2010 Andreas Hall
2011 Andreas Hall
2012 Andreas Hall
Där alla de som har namnet intecknat på den pokal som nu är i omlopp. Frågan är vem som vann 1996.
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