I began this book by introducing two fictitious characters, spent some time discussing two species, and ended with two selves. The two characters were the intuitive System 1, which does the fast thinking, and the effortful and slower System 2, which does teh slow thinking, monitors System 1, and maintains control as best as it can within its limited resources. The two species were the fictitious Econs, who live in the land of theory, and the Humans, who act in the real world. The two selves are the experiencing self,which does the living, and the remembering self, which keeps score and makes the choices.Jag läste ut Thinking, Fast and Slow av Daniel Kahnemann i morse. Passlig fortsättning i min serie* böcker om hur vi tänker och fungerar. Boken var intressant men kändes lite långrandig emellanåt och mycket av det som den presenterade hade jag stött på tidigare. Kahnemann har fått Nobelpriset i ekonomi och det märktes mera ju längre man läste. Men någon traditionell ekonomi handlade det inte om utan mera om hur vi fattar beslut.
*Övriga böcker i serien: Evans: Thinking Twice - two minds in one brain, Wegner: The Illusion of Consciouss Will, Stanovich: The Robots Rebelllion. The Robots Rebellion presenterade kanske de intressantaste ideérna men var också den som var sämst skriven. Stanovich fick mig att se på följderna av Darwins läror i ett nytt ljus.
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